
Mes Livres

My Leap to Freedom

Éditeur :Editions Le Manuscrit

Genre :Mémoires et Biographies

Sortie: 20/06/2013

In this book, Odette Spingarn gives us a first-hand account of the various camps of the "final solution" she passed through after being arrested with her parents in a village in Corrèze, France on 31 March 1944.As the Allies approached in April 1945, she and her fellow slave laborers, all of them women, were packed into boxcars bound for a death camp. Odette took her fate into her hands and jumped out of the train, embarking on a long odyssey that she describes in detail. In the end, a German woman...

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J'ai sauté du train

Odette Spingarn décrit ici le fonctionnement des différents camps de la « Solution finale » par lesquels elle est passée...

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